The Head Of Matt Cutts Tells Us The Body Is Important Too

The Head Of Matt Cutts Tells Us The Body Is Important Too

In a magical video where Google's head of search spam, had his body removed all to make a point that the body of a page's content is really important. Yes, Matt actually removed his body, in a way to show just how important the body is. The head alone, while important also, is not enough, you need a good and fit body to go along with your good and fit head. In short, title tags, meta descriptions, and the rest of what you put in your header on your web pages are important.…Read more
Google’s Matt Cutts: I Don’t Know 10% Of Your SEO Questions

Google’s Matt Cutts: I Don’t Know 10% Of Your SEO Questions

Yesterday, Google's Matt Cutts and Michael Wyszomierski posted a non-SEO related video, which I had to turn to make it SEO related. The video describes the process Matt and Michael goes through when creating these SEO videos. One topic that came up was that sometimes Matt needs to ask others for the answer because he doesn't know the answer fully. Barry Schwartz asked Matt on Twitter what percentage of questions does he need to go out and ask someone else about. Matt responded saying that about 10% of the questions he needs to…Read more